Should I take a claim?

Key points to consider in deciding whether there is a claim worth pursuing include:

  • Time limits – 3 months from the last of the acts complained of: so time is often short: do not
  • The time scales – some claims are settled with a single letter- 3 weeks. Some take a Tribunal
    Claim which then settles – say, 3 months. Some more complex (and valuable) claims go to a
    Tribunal Hearing: 6 months to a year, or more.
  • Preparing the Claim: there are several preparatory stages to go through before the claim is
    ready for a hearing. These can take months. See below for more detail. Are you prepared to
    commit to several months of dealing with the case?
  • The Evidence Required (documents and papers, emails and texts, Whats App, Instagram …).
    What records do you have? Start collecting the evidence now. The more written records
    you have, in whatever format, the stronger your case.
  • How good is your memory? How clear are you? You don’t have to recall everything: the
    records will help fill in the gaps. But is your recollection consistent – and credible?
  • How much is at stake?
  • Tribunal Hearings: your case is unlikely to go to a hearing – most case settle – but are you
    prepared to go if necessary?
  • Costs, Charges and Fees. There are no Fees to use the Employment Tribunal. Cases are
    free. Costs are very unusual. Most of the people we help will take their own case: so the
    whole process is free. The cost is the time and stress involved in taking a claim!
  • Paying for a Representative. If we agree to represent you, we will normally charge you a
    percentage of any money recovered as a result of the claim: our initial advice is always free.
  • Settlement and Hearings: 90% of tribunal claims settle without a hearing. Some employers payup easily when they get the claim, some would drag it out and make a serous settled ment offer a week before the hearing. Some may never make an offer at all and you may have to go to the hearing to get your money

We can help you decide with an initial assessment of your chances of success, if you can complete
our Initial Assessment Questionnaire (see below) and return it to us with a sample of the written
evidence you have in support. We will need to see your estimate – based on a calculation – of what
you may be owed.

Don’t wait any longer, start gathering your evidence now

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