Case Management

These are Tribunal Orders which may be made at any stage, to the parties to manage the case, and to prepare for the hearing.  Failing to comply with an Order can mean the Tribunal may Strike Out all or part of your case.  

For example,  if you have sent in a calculation of your wages claim as ordered, but haven’t sent the calculation of holiday pay they asked for, the Tribunal could strike out the holiday pay claim, but let you proceed with the wages claim.  

The same goes for the Respondent, if they don’t comply.  Usually the Tribunal will give a warning before they strike out; and they will always consider letting you back in, if you send the information in quickly, with an explanation and apology, where you have missed the deadline.

In a complex case, where there are several claims, or it is unclear who the Respondent is, the Tribunal may order a Case Management Hearing to make the Orders.

Case Management Hearing

This is usually a 2 hour hearing with a Judge, over the phone, to go through the issues in dispute, identify what each party’s position is, and to give further detailed information and preparation.

Typical Case Management Orders

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